COVID-19 Parish Information
Update as Of June 23, 2021:
As of June 22, 2021 the State of Michigan has lifted its broad epidemic orders. This is positive news, and we are hopeful that the worst of this pandemic is behind us. Daily numbers of new cases have been falling steadily. Positivity rates statewide are below 3% and have decreased 88% since their high on April 8.
Understanding that parishioners who are homebound or in long-term care facilities may be at increased risk of contracting COVID-19, ministers who are not fully vaccinated and bringing Holy Communion to individuals in these groups must wear a mask. Other than this norm, the Diocese of Grand Rapids is terminating any remaining particular law in response to COVID-19, effective immediately. This decision aligns with guidance from public health officials and is supported by the data mentioned above.
Additional information available can be found on the diocesan website: