The mission of the Christian Concerns Committee is to serve the parish as its primary resource and catalyst for the work of social justice. We base our activities on the biblical and theological foundations of Catholic social teachings. We work to emphasize the “preferential option for the poor” by pursuing issues which address the dignity and rights of people who are socially politically or economically disadvantaged. We work to maximize opportunities to assist and work with organizations, coalitions and n309-ighborhood groups to promote our common interests. We will give priority to strategies which enable people to realize and act on their own power. We operate from and promote social action that includes both private and personal commitments to justice and also public, communal and institutional commitments to social justice.
We are interested in new members who like to look at the big picture of parish activities and share a passion for justice. New ideas and new members will be warmly welcomed.
Want to learn more about Catholic Social Teachings? Check out the USCCB website.