
Get Registered!

We hope that you have found Holy Trinity to be a welcoming place to worship.  If you are interested in registering as a parishioner please contact the Parish Office (616-784-0677 or parishoffice@holytrinitycp.org). You will be provided with a registration form and have a meeting set-up with Fr. Chris or one of the parish staff to officially welcome you and answer your questions.  Registering has benefits! Registered parishioners have an established relationship with Holy Trinity Catholic Church, receive parish and diocesan mailings, and have contribution information recorded for tax purposes.

Being a part of a parish community is more than being registered.  It also involves contributing financially and physically to the parish.  Stewardship of your time, talent, and treasure is how you keep your faith growing. Part of your meeting will be to explain how you can get involved (a little or a lot)!

Click on the link for information about Online Giving.