Advent Retreat/Workshop with Brian Plachta
RSVP to experience the Mystery of the Holy Trinity through your own spiritual gifts. 2-4:30pm Sunday, Dec. 3 in the School Basement.
Have you ever wondered:
● What are Spiritual Gifts?
● How do I discover mine?
● How is God inviting me to use them in life-giving ways?
Start your Advent Season by joining us for this fun and hands-on retreat/workshop where you’ll find the answers to the above questions and also get to take a Spiritual Gifts Inventory to discern your unique gifts from God. The session will be good for high schoolers through senior citizens.
Activities for children will be provided.
The experience is good for 8th Graders and Up. PLEASE RSVP HERE
Brian J. Plachta, author of Finding Flow—Spiritual Practices to Reclaim Inner Peace, Balance, and Wholeness will be our facilitator. Brian’s a speaker, writer, lay ecclesial minister, and spiritual director. He’s also a lawyer and holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling.
Learn more about Brian on his website: http://brianplachta.com.
You can also download a free copy of his Spiritual Gifts Inventory through this link: https://www.findingflowlife.com/spiritualgiftsinventory.