175th Parish Anniversary

Cultivating Faith Since 1848 & Sharing its Fruits Thank You!! To learn more about our outreach to St. Lucie, check out our Haiti Project. GIVE:…

Art & Environment

Art & Environment Committee’s purpose is to enhance the liturgical environment of the church and grounds during the different seasons of the Church year. Volunteers…

Beyond our Parish

More info coming soon.

Christian Concerns Ministry

The mission of the Christian Concerns Committee is to serve the parish as its primary resource and catalyst for the work of social justice.  We…

Extraordinary Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers serve the community of Holy Trinity Church by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at all Masses, to homebound individuals and nursing…


Holy Trinity Parish Festival is September 7-8, 2024.

Fish Fry Fridays

Fish Fries begin Friday, February 16th. Dinner is served 5-7pm in the Family Center.Meals feature baked or fried fish served with homemade macaroni and cheese,…



Funeral Luncheon

Service Opportunities Include: Server Holy Trinity Parish offers a luncheon for the bereaved family and their friends following a funeral Mass. Parish volunteers typically assist…


As people arrive to begin worship at Holy Trinity, Greeters extend a friendly greeting to make parishioners and guests feel welcome.  This welcome sets the…

Haiti Project

Give to Haiti We are fundraising for our sister parish in Haiti. They are currently trying to build a CHURCH. $8000 is our goal! Scan…

Holy Trinity Community Auction

A great night of fun and excitement! The proceeds from HTCA benefit the parish and school for education and formation. This year’s Auction will take…

Knights of Columbus Council 15548

The Knights of Columbus is an order of faithful Catholic men (at least 18 years of age) and their families, dedicated to promoting the concepts…


Lectors enflesh the Word of the Lord at Mass.  All Lectors should strive to proclaim the readings in such a way that Mass participants may…

Mass Coordinators

This team of dedicated volunteers are responsible for set-up for Mass and to make sure volunteers check in before Mass begins.

Music Ministry

Welcome, musicians! From singers to instrumentalists, classical to contemporary, music readers to ear learners, any and all levels of commitment are welcome to participate in…

Pro-Life Ministry

The Pro-Life Ministry at Holy Trinity has several facets: Blood Drive, HT Care Notes, and Pro-Life. All these sub ministries work to support life!  If…

Training Ministry

This ministry can be explained using the block editor much like you would when creating pages and posts.


The Ushers of Holy Trinity minister to God’s people by attending Masses, greeting people, assisting those in need, collecting the offering to God, helping in…

Women’s Guild

The purpose of the Women’s Guild is to provide friendship, support and a helping hand to those in need. Ways in which this is achieved…

Altar Servers

The Mass is our highest form of prayer in the Church. Students from grades 4 and higher are needed to assist the priest during Mass.…


The responsibility of the Sacristans is to prepare the sanctuary for the Celebration of the Mass. Two separate groups help to accomplish this.  One group,…


Liturgical Ministries Schedule (MSP) We are using an online website (app available too) to schedule ministries. Click this link to go directly to the MSP…